Multiple Choice Question and Answer for CTET Paper 1 Model Paper 9 (Marks : 150.00)


Section : Child Development and Pedagogy

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. The Waldorf education approach emphasizes a balanced development of
1. head and heart
2. heart and hands
3. head and hands
4. head[comma] heart[comma] and hands

Ques 2. There is __________ in working memory as people gets older.
1. no change
2. degradation
3. upgradation
4. a slight change

Ques 3. The affective domain involves
1. manner
2. learning
3. knowledge
4. physical movement

Ques 4. The longer a particular ability is unused the __________ it becomes.
1. weaker
2. stronger
3. less important
4. more important

Ques 5. A common technique to help people begin the creative process is
1. calculations
2. thoroughness
3. brain storming
4. mental shortcuts

Ques 6. The three laws of connectionism are the laws of
1. effect[comma] stimulus and response
2. effect[comma] exercise and readiness
3. stimulus[comma] response and exercise
4. exercise[comma] readiness and response

Ques 7. Responses that produce a satisfying effect in a particular situation become __________ to occur again in that situation.
1. not likely
2. less likely
3. more likely
4. equally likely

Ques 8. The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says that education should be about
1. virtue
2. obedience
3. life and growth
4. shaping good citizens

Ques 9. The three domains of Bloom's taxonomy are
1. Cognitive[comma] Affective and Pedagogy
2. Pedagogy[comma] Affective and Psychomotor
3. Cognitive[comma] Affective and Psychomotor
4. Cognitive[comma] Pedagogy and Psychomotor

Ques 10. Summative assessment is an assessment __________ learning.
1. of
2. to
3. by
4. for

Ques 11. According to Robert Sternberg, the three different types of required intelligence for creativity are
1. analytical[comma] critical and practical
2. abstract[comma] synthetic and analytical
3. synthetic[comma] analytical[comma] and practical
4. analytical[comma] observational and practical

Ques 12. The extinction technique of classroom management is a technique where teacher __________ any negative behavior.
1. divert
2. ignore
3. encourage
4. discourage

Ques 13. The new curriculum should be introduced
1. abruptly
2. gradually
3. relatively
4. continuously

Ques 14. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the Concrete operational stage starts at age
1. 1
2. 3
3. 5
4. 7

Ques 15. The application of ideas, knowledge and skills to achieve the desired results is called
1. critical thinking
2. problem solving
3. deductive method
4. reasoned arguments

Ques 16. According to John Locke, a child's mind does not contain any
1. memory
2. imagination
3. observation
4. innate ideas

Ques 17. The Law of Effect can be effectively used in
1. teaching methods
2. accelerate learning
3. classroom management
4. curriculum development

Ques 18. Education is a process in which knowledge and skills are transferred
1. from a few persons to a large number of people
2. from a few persons to the next generation
3. from a generation to the next generation
4. from a few persons to few persons

Ques 19. Which act of teacher foster a sense of autonomy in the learning process?
1. delegator
2. instructor
3. facilitator
4. formal authority

Ques 20. According to Rousseau, at what age a person ready to have a companion of the opposite sex?
1. 15
2. 16
3. 17
4. 18

Ques 21. The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to __________ information.
1. use
2. miss
3. retain
4. misuse

Ques 22. "The first institution of higher learning in the Western world, ""Academy"", was founded by"
1. Plato
2. Aristotle
3. Socrates
4. John Dewey

Ques 23. In cooperative learning method, the role of teacher is of
1. delegator
2. facilitator
3. facilitator and delegator
4. delegator and formal authority

Ques 24. The most complex skill in cognitive domain of Bloom's taxonomy is
1. evaluating
2. synthesizing
3. characterizing
4. understanding

Ques 25. The advocators of philosophy of Pragmatism believe that reality is
1. stagnant
2. imagination
3. related to mind
4. constantly changing

Ques 26. The study of the physical, social and mental aspects of aging is called
1. Genetics
2. Esthetics
3. Gerontology
4. Clinical psychology

Ques 27. The philosopher who for the first time taught logic as a formal discipline was
1. Plato
2. Socrates
3. Aristotle
4. Edward Thorndike

Ques 28. The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called
1. Pedagogy
2. Education
3. Epistemology
4. Cognitive Development

Ques 29. "The word ""Pedagogy"" means?"
1. to guide the child
2. to lead the child
3. to educate the child
4. to understand the child

Ques 30. Bloom's taxonomy is a set of __________ learning domains.
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 2
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 1
Ques 5: 3
Ques 6: 2
Ques 7: 3
Ques 8: 3
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 1
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 2
Ques 13: 2
Ques 14: 4
Ques 15: 2
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 3
Ques 18: 2
Ques 19: 1
Ques 20: 2
Ques 21: 3
Ques 22: 1
Ques 23: 3
Ques 24: 1
Ques 25: 4
Ques 26: 3
Ques 27: 3
Ques 28: 4
Ques 29: 2
Ques 30: 3

Section : Language I (Hindi)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. आर्त
1. दुःखी
2. आरती
3. पुकार
4. चीख

Ques 2. सुरसरि
1. जाहृवी
2. सुन्दर रसवाली
3. सुन्दर रस
4. सप्त स्वरवाली

Ques 3. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. क्षेत्र
2. छेत्र
3. क्षत्र
4. श्वेत्र

Ques 4. सन्यासी
1. राजा
2. भोगी
3. गृहस्थ
4. ब्रह्मचर्य

Ques 5. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. वीभित्स
2. विभत्स
3. वीभत्स
4. विभीत्स

Ques 6. पवित्र
1. पव् + इत्र
2. पवः + इत्र
3. पौ + इत्र
4. पो + इत्र

Ques 7. इत्यैवम
1. इत्य + एवम्
2. इतिम्+ यम
3. इति + एवम
4. इति + इयम

Ques 8. अल्पज्ञ
1. अवज्ञा
2. सर्वज्ञ
3. अभिज्ञ
4. कृतज्ञ

Ques 9. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. अपकर्ति
2. अपकीर्ति
3. अपकीर्ती
4. अपकिर्ति

Ques 10. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. झगडों के कारण
2. नगर में अधिकतर
3. दुकानें आज भी बन्द रही
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 11. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. अन्वेषण
2. अनवेषण
3. अन्वेषण
4. अन्वेष्ण

Ques 12. "मैं खाना खा चुका हॅू" इस वाक्य में भूतकालिक भेद इंगित कीजिए-
1. सामान्य भूतकाल
2. पूर्ण भूतकाल
3. आसन्न भूतकाल
4. संदिग्ध भूतकाल

Ques 13. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. इनके गौर वर्ण होने की
2. दो कहानी
3. प्रचलित हैं।
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 14. वारिद
1. कमल
2. चन्द्रमा
3. बिजली
4. बादल

Ques 15. खर
1. रावण
2. कुंठित
3. गधा
4. मूर्ख

Ques 16. आयात
1. यातायात
2. व्याधात
3. बिसात
4. निर्यात

Ques 17. तनु
1. शरीर
2. महीन
3. चन्द्रमा
4. खटिया

Ques 18. निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में दिए गए वाक्य में से कुछ में त्रुटि है और कुछ ठीक हैं। त्रुटि वाले वाक्य में जिस भाग में त्रुटि हो, उस भाग का अक्षरांक (अ,ब,स अथवा द) ही आपका उत्तर है। यदि वाक्य में कोई त्रुटि न हो ‘कोई त्रुटि नहीं‘ को उत्तर के रूप के चिन्हित कीजिए
1. अध्यापक ने
2. आज हमारे को
3. नया पाठ पढाया
4. कोई त्रुटि नही।

Ques 19. अमंद
1. सुस्त
2. द्रुत
3. शीघ्र
4. त्वरित

Ques 20. धरेश
1. धराः + अश
2. धर + ईश
3. धरा + ईश
4. धरा + इश

Ques 21. निम्नलिखित शब्दों में से किसमें स्वर संधि है ?
1. अतएव
2. रामायण
3. तपोगुण
4. सदाचार

Ques 22. अनिल-अनल
1. आग-हवा
2. हवा-पानी
3. जंगल-दोनो
4. हवा-आग

Ques 23. सकारात्मक
1. नकारात्मक
2. आषात्मक
3. संभावत्मक
4. निराषात्मक

Ques 24. निम्नलिखित में से सही शब्द-शुद्धि का चुनाव कीजिए।
1. उन्नती
2. उनति
3. उन्नती
4. उन्नति

Ques 25. चराचर
1. जड
2. चेतन
3. जड एवं चेतन सब
4. चलने वाला

Instruction : विद्यार्थी जीवन को मानव जीवन की रीढ़ की हड्डी कहें तो कोई अतिशयोक्त्ति नहीं होगी। विद्यार्थी काल मे बालक में जो संस्कार पड़ जाते हैं जीवन-भर वही संस्कार अमिट रहते हैं। इसीलिए यही काल आधारशिला कहा गया है। यदि यह नींव दृढ बन जाती है तो जीवन सुदृढ़ और सुखी बन जाता है। यदि इस काल में बालक कष्ट सहन कर लेता है तो उसका स्वास्थ्य सुंदर बनता है। यदि मन लगाकर अध्ययन कर लेता है तो उसे ज्ञान मिलता है, उसका मानसिक विकास होता है। जिस वृक्ष को प्रारंभ से सुंदर सिंचन और खाद मिल जाती है, वह पुष्पित एवं पल्लवित होकर संसार को सौरभ देने लगता है। इसी प्रकार विद्यार्थी काल में जो बालक श्रम, अनुशासन, समय एवं नियमन के साँचे में ढल जाता है, वह आदर्श विद्यार्थी बनकर सभ्य नागरिक बन जाता है। सभ्य नागरिक के लिए जिन-जिन गुणों की आवश्यकता है उन गुणों के लिए विद्यार्थी काल ही तो सुन्दर पाठशाला है। यहाँ पर अपने साथियों के बीच रह कर वे सभी गुण आ जाने आवश्यक हैं, जिनकी कि विद्यार्थी को अपने जीवन में आवश्यकता होती है।(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)
Ques 26. गद्यांश के आधार पर कहा जा सकता है कि
1. विद्यार्थी जीवन में व्यक्त्ति अनेक गुणों को धारण कर लेता है।
2. विद्यार्थी जीवन के लिए सुंदर पाठशाला की आवश्यकता होती है।
3. कष्ट सहन करने से सेहत बनती है।
4. वृक्षों को सींचना पर्यावरण के लिए आवश्यक है।

Ques 27. मानव जीवन की रीढ़ की हड्डी विद्यार्थी जीवन को क्यों माना जाता है?
1. पूरा जीवन विद्यार्थी जीवन पर चलता है।
2. जो संस्कार विद्यार्थी जीवन में पड़ जाते हैं वे संस्कार स्थायी हो जाते है
3. विद्यार्थी जीवन सुखी जीवन होता है।
4. विद्यार्थी जीवन में ज्ञान मिलता है।

Ques 28. गद्यांश में आदर्श विद्यार्थी के किन गुणों की चर्चा की गई है?
1. नियमावली का पालन
2. ज्ञान प्राप्ति हेतु ध्यान की आवश्यकता की
3. नियमन
4. व्यायाम

Ques 29. ‘संसार को सौरभ’ देने का अर्थ है
1. संसार में सुगंध फैलाना
2. संसार को बेहतर बनाना
3. संसार में पेड़ लगाना
4. संसार को सुगंधित द्रव्य देना

Ques 30. गद्यांश में ‘वृक्ष’ किसे कहा गया है?
1. पेड़ को
2. विद्यार्थी को
3. जीवन को
4. समय को

Answers are:
Ques 1: 1
Ques 2: 2
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 3
Ques 5: 3
Ques 6: 4
Ques 7: 3
Ques 8: 2
Ques 9: 2
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 2
Ques 13: 2
Ques 14: 4
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 4
Ques 17: 1
Ques 18: 2
Ques 19: 2
Ques 20: 2
Ques 21: 2
Ques 22: 4
Ques 23: 1
Ques 24: 4
Ques 25: 3
Ques 26: 1
Ques 27: 2
Ques 28: 1
Ques 29: 2
Ques 30: 2

Section : Language II (English)

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. All things were as _________ in the temple as ever I had seen them. The windows of the room of that side, __________ occupied by my friend, were dark and still, and there was no lounger in Garden court. I walked past the fountain twice or thrice before I ___________ the steps that were between me and my rooms, but I was quite alone.
1. stoned, hurriedly, put
2. clean, mildly, accepted
3. broken, widely, envisaged
4. quiet, lately, descended

Ques 2. Beguile
1. Annoy
2. Bamboozle
3. Belittle
4. Jeopardize

Ques 3. If you really want to become a comic book artist, you have to keep at it.
1. Nagging
2. Hard work
3. Persevere
4. Smart work

Ques 4. Ingenuous
1. Creative
2. Crafty
3. Candid
4. Careless

Ques 5. Keep your chin up
1. To tell people about someone’s secrets
2. To encourage someone in his bad times
3. Everyone gets a chance eventually
4. Once in a life-time

Ques 6. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Temperatture
2. Temperature
3. Temporature
4. Tamperature

Ques 7. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Laboratory
2. Laboretory
3. Laboratry
4. Laboretry

Ques 8. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Quotation
2. Quotetion
3. Quotattion
4. Quotaiton

Ques 9. Illustrious
1. Conspicuous
2. Venerable
3. Unknown
4. Resplendent

Ques 10. We should guard against our green-eyed friends.
1. rich
2. jealous
3. handsome
4. enthusiastic

Ques 11. Corpulent
1. Fleshy
2. Thin
3. Stout
4. Bony

Ques 12. Pass the buck
1. To tell people about someone’s secrets
2. To pass the blame
3. Everyone gets a chance eventually
4. Once in a life-time

Ques 13. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Matternity
2. Maternitty
3. Matarnity
4. Maternity

Ques 14. Delirious
1. Delicious
2. Pleasing
3. Desperate
4. Excited

Ques 15. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Generaly
2. Genrelly
3. Generally
4. Genarlly

Ques 16. He hailed the mission (A)/ as an opportunity to (B)/ bring in “smart” interventions (C)/ to upgrade India’s growing cities (D)

Ques 17. A long face
1. Something is better than nothing
2. To look disappointed for something
3. The only choice
4. To sniff something wrong

Ques 18. the government is committed to (A)/ providing the best quality (B)/ education to the tribal children (C)/ in their own environment (D)/

Ques 19. A. It has been prone to systemic failures.
B. If it has retained substantial strength in the tactical field#@# it is in spite of the slow moving system.
C. This could be tolerated in the past but can be catastrophic in a nuclear weapons environment.
D. The Indian security system with its colonial structures is quite unsuited to manage the demands of defence in strategic and operational terms.

Ques 20. discredited itself before the public (A)/ especially after the countdown to the (B)/ assembly election began, is a major reason for its failure (C)/ the manner in which the ruling party (D)/

Ques 21. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Deisel
2. Diesal
3. Deisal
4. Diesel

Ques 22. and is different from a situation where the bank (A)/ rules and regulations at the expense of the bank (B)/ itself violates rules and regulations in order to benefit shareholders (C)/ a bank fraud is a situation in which employees subvert (D)/

Ques 23. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Manueover
2. Manoeuvre
3. Manuovere
4. Maneouvre

Ques 24. Find the correctly spelt word.
1. Flourist
2. Flowerist
3. Florist
4. Floorist

Ques 25. Contradict
1. Request politely
2. Deny emphatically
3. Talk abusively
4. Contempt

Instruction :

Do women (1) __ leaderships different from what men do? And if so, will feminine leadership (2) __ where (3) __ leadership does not? A recent study suggests somewhat paradoxically that female managers (4) __ their male (5) __ even when the personal characteristics of them are very (6) __.Of the two schools of thought, the structuralist theory argues that men and women do not receive the same treatment in the workplace and that stamping out (7) __ bias would stamp out the observed (8) __ in contents that men and women experience work differently because men see work as more (9) __ to their lives. These (10) __ explanations, apart, today business appears to be undergoing a feminisation of leadership.

(From Ques 26 to Ques 30)

Ques 26. Solve as per the DIRECTION given above:
1. affect
2. succeed
3. complete
4. progress

Ques 27. Solve as per the DIRECTION given above:
1. contradictory
2. corresponding
3. discriminating
4. analogical

Ques 28. Solve as per the DIRECTION given above:
1. needy
2. desperate
3. preliminary
4. trivial

Ques 29. Solve as per the DIRECTION given above:
1. minimal
2. distinct
3. unique
4. similar

Ques 30. Solve as per the DIRECTION given above:
1. exercise
2. undertake
3. authorise
4. empowers

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 1
Ques 3: 3
Ques 4: 3
Ques 5: 2
Ques 6: 2
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 1
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 2
Ques 11: 3
Ques 12: 2
Ques 13: 4
Ques 14: 4
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 5
Ques 17: 2
Ques 18: 5
Ques 19: 2
Ques 20: 1
Ques 21: 4
Ques 22: 3
Ques 23: 2
Ques 24: 3
Ques 25: 2
Ques 26: 2
Ques 27: 1
Ques 28: 5
Ques 29: 4
Ques 30: 1

Section : Mathematics

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. A can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. B can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?
1. 15
2. 25
3. 65
4. 75

Ques 2. A father is 30 years older than his son. He will be three times as old as his son after 5 years. What is the father's present age?
1. 35
2. 45
3. 40
4. 30

Ques 3.

A man bought 20 shares of Rs. 50 at 5 discount, the rate of dividend being 13. The rate of interest obtained is:

1. 12 1 % 2
2. 13 1 % 2
3. 15%
4. 16 2 % 3

Ques 4. Two persons A and B get the same salary. Their basic pays are different. Their allowances are 65% and 80% of their basic pays respectively. What is the ratio of their basic pays ?
1. 7:05
2. 17:15
3. 11:10
4. 12:11

Ques 5. In an office in Singapore there are 60% female employees. 50 % of all the male employees are computer literate. If there are total 62% employees computer literate out of total 1600 employees, then the no. of female employees who are computer literate ?
1. 690
2. 674
3. 672
4. 960

Ques 6. A works twice as fast as B. If B can complete a work in 12 days independently, the number of days in which A and B can together finish the work is
1. 4 days
2. 3 days
3. 6 days
4. 5 days

Ques 7. Two ships are sailing in the sea on the two sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of the top of the lighthouse is observed from the ships are 30º and 45º respectively. If the lighthouse is 100 m high, the distance between the two ships is:
1. 173 m
2. 200 m
3. 273 m
4. 300 m

Ques 8. A shopkeeper marks his goods 30% above his cost price but allows a discount of 10% at the time of sale. His gain is
1. 21%
2. 20%
3. 18%
4. 17%

Ques 9.

50 men took a dip in a water tank 40 m long and 20 m broad on a religious day. If the average displacement of water by a man is 4 m3, then the rise in the water level in the tank will be:

1. 20 cm
2. 25 cm
3. 35 cm
4. 50 cm

Ques 10. In a metro train there are 600 passengers out of which 34% are females. Fare of each male is Rs. 20 and each female's fare is 25% less than each male. What is the total revenue generated by all the passengers together?
1. Rs. 10880
2. Rs. 10980
3. Rs. 10740
4. Rs. 10680

Ques 11.

By investing in 16% stock at 64, one earns Rs. 1500. The investment made is:

1. Rs. 5640
2. Rs. 5760
3. Rs. 7500
4. Rs. 9600

Ques 12. A cat leaps 5 leaps for every 4 leaps of a dog, but 3 leaps of the dog are equal to 4 leaps of the cat. What is the ratio of the speed of the cat to that of the dog?
1. 12/30/1899 11:15:00 AM
2. 12/30/1899 3:11:00 PM
3. 12/30/1899 4:15:00 PM
4. 12/30/1899 3:16:00 PM

Ques 13. Aman started a business investing Rs. 70,000. Rakhi joined him after six months with an amount of Rs.. 1,05,000 and Sagar joined them with Rs. 1.4 lakhs after another six months. The amount of profit earned should be distributed in what ratio among Aman, Rakhi and Sagar respectively, 3 years after Aman started the business?
1. 7:06:10
2. 12:15:16
3. 42:45:56
4. Cannot be determined

Ques 14. Find the area of a right angled triangle whose hypotenuse is 10 cm and base 8 cm.
1. 34
2. 36
3. 24
4. 48

Ques 15. By selling an article, a man makes a profit of 25% of its selling price. His profit percent is:
1. 20%
2. 25%
3. 16(2/3)
4. 33(1/3)%

Ques 16.

A cistern of capacity 8000 litres measures externally 3.3 m by 2.6 m by 1.1 m and its walls are 5 cm thick. The thickness of the bottom is:

1. 90 cm
2. 1 dm
3. 1m
4. 1.1 cm

Ques 17. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. If the new number formed by reversing the digits is greater than the original number by 54, then what will be the original number?
1. 93
2. 28
3. 48
4. 39

Ques 18. A shopkeeper sells sugar in such a way that the selling price of 950g of sugar is the same s the cost price of 1 kg of sugar. What is his gain percent?
1. 5(5/19)
2. 5(1/5)
3. 5
4. 4(1/19)

Ques 19. Worker A takes 8 hours to do a job. Worker B takes 10 hours to do the same job. How long it take both A & B, working together but independently, to do the same job?
1. 40/9 days
2. 40/7 days
3. 7.5 days
4. 8.5 days

Ques 20. Two trains of equal lengths take 10 seconds and 15 seconds respectively to cross a telegraph post. If the length of each train be 120 metres, in what time will they cross each other travelling in opposite direction?
1. 9 s
2. 10 s
3. 11 s
4. 12 s

Ques 21.

The product of two numbers is 2028 and their H.C.F. is 13. The number of such pairs is:

1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Ques 22. A began a business with Rs. 85,000. He was joined afterwards by B with Rs. 42,500. For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are divided in the ratio of 3 : 1?
1. 4 months
2. 5 months
3. 6 months
4. 8 months

Ques 23.

How many of the following numbers are divisible by 132 ?
264, 396, 462, 792, 968, 2178, 5184, 6336

1. 4
2. 5
3. 6
4. 7

Ques 24. A train of length 150 m takes 10 seconds to pass over another train 100 m long coming from the opposite direction. If the speed of the first train be 30 kmph, the speed of the second train is
1. 60 km/h
2. 65 km/h
3. 50 km/h
4. 55 km/h

Ques 25. A can type 10 pages in 5 minutes. B can type 5 pages in 10 minutes. Working together, how many pages can they type in 30 minutes?
1. 15
2. 25
3. 65
4. 75

Ques 26.

The slant height of a right circular cone is 10 m and its height is 8 m. Find the area of its curved surface.

1. 30 m2
2. 40 m2
3. 60 m2
4. 55 m2

Ques 27. What number comes next ?4, 196, 16, 144, 36, 100, 64
1. 36
2. 100
3. 80
4. 64

Ques 28.

Find the greatest number that will divide 43, 91 and 183 so as to leave the same remainder in each case.

1. 4
2. 7
3. 9
4. 13

Ques 29.

The cube root of .000216 is:

1. .6
2. .06
3. 77
4. 87

Ques 30. he H.C.F. of two numbers is 23 and the other two factors of their L.C.M. are 13 and 14. The larger of the two numbers is:
1. 276
2. 299
3. 322
4. 345

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 3
Ques 3: 3
Ques 4: 4
Ques 5: 3
Ques 6: 1
Ques 7: 3
Ques 8: 4
Ques 9: 2
Ques 10: 2
Ques 11: 2
Ques 12: 4
Ques 13: 2
Ques 14: 3
Ques 15: 4
Ques 16: 2
Ques 17: 4
Ques 18: 1
Ques 19: 1
Ques 20: 4
Ques 21: 2
Ques 22: 4
Ques 23: 1
Ques 24: 1
Ques 25: 4
Ques 26: 1
Ques 27: 4
Ques 28: 1
Ques 29: 2
Ques 30: 3

Section : Environmental Studies

( Marks : 30.00)

Ques 1. Each chlorine free radical can destroy the number of ozone molecules
1. 100 ozone molecules
2. 1000 ozone molecules
3. 10[comma]000 ozone molecules
4. 100[comma]000 ozone molecules

Ques 2. World 'Ozone day' is being celebrated on every year
1. Sept 5th
2. Sept 16th
3. Oct 15th
4. June 5th

Ques 3. Ozone is present in which layers of the atmosphere?
1. Stratosphere
2. Mesosphere
3. Troposphere
4. Thermosphere

Ques 4. The major contributors to the acid rain are known as
1. Protons
2. Pollutants
3. Processors
4. Precursors

Ques 5. The equivalent of one Dobson unit is
1. 0.1 m
2. 0.01 m
3. 0.1 mm
4. 0.01 mm

Ques 6. Ozone hole is said to occur when the ozone level decreases below
1. 2 DU
2. 20 DU
3. 200 DU
4. 2000 DU

Ques 7. The radiations absorbed by ozone layer are
1. Ultra-violet
2. Infra-red
3. Gamma rays
4. Visible

Ques 8. Primary cause of acid rain around the world is due to
1. Ozone
2. carbon dioxide
3. sulfur dioxide
4. carbon monoxide

Ques 9. Major compounds responsible for the destruction of Ozone layer is
1. C02
2. CH4
3. CFCs
4. oxygen

Ques 10. Which of the following is the remedial measure for acid rain?
1. Use of coal[comma] free from sulphur
2. Use of electrostatic precipitator and catalytic converters
3. Reducing the release of oxides of nitrogen and sulphur into the atmosphere
4. All of these

Ques 11. The pH of acid rain is
1. Less than 1.7
2. Less than 2.7
3. Less than 4.7
4. Less than 5.7

Ques 12. Acid rain affects
1. Soil
2. Plants
3. Materials
4. All of the above

Ques 13. Animal husbandry may result in
1. Genetic Damage
2. Ozone depletion
3. Global warming
4. None of the above

Ques 14. Freon's are called
1. Ozone
2. Methane
3. Solvents
4. Hydrocarbons

Ques 15. The environment act was enacted by Indian parliament under Article 253 of the constitution of India and made applicable to all states of India in the year
1. 1984
2. 1985
3. 1986
4. 1987

Ques 16. The first major environmental protection law promulgated in India was
1. Air Act
2. Water Act
3. Environmental Act
4. None of these

Ques 17. Water Pollution, 'Prevention and Control Act' was enacted in the year
1. 1954
2. 1964
3. 1974
4. 1984

Ques 18. 'Wild Life Protection Act' was enacted in the year
1. 1971
2. 1972
3. 1973
4. 1974

Ques 19. Karnataka State Pollution Control Board was established in the year
1. 1971
2. 1972
3. 1973
4. 1974

Ques 20. First International Earth summit was held at
1. Germany
2. Stockholm
3. Johannesburg
4. Riode Janeiro

Ques 21. Amount of Carbon Dioxide(CO2) content in atmospheric Air is normally
1. 0.21%
2. 0.32%
3. 0.42%
4. 0.43%

Ques 22. EPA means :
1. Environmental Protection Act
2. Environmental Prevention Act
3. Environmental Pollution Act
4. Environmental Protection Agency

Ques 23. Environmental protection is the responsibility of
1. Individuals
2. NGO's
3. Government of India
4. All of the above

Ques 24. The objectives of the Wild Life (protection) Act 1972 is
1. To preserve the biodiversity
2. Protection and conservation of wild life
3. To maintain essential ecological and life supporting systems
4. All the above

Ques 25. Which of the following is the authority to monitor state industrial effluents?
1. State pollution control board
2. Indian environmental association
3. Centre for science and development
4. None of these

Ques 26. Environment Protection Act of 1986 is meant for
1. Waste management
2. Forest management
3. Desert management
4. Protection of human environment including human[comma] plants[comma] animals and property

Ques 27. Environmental education is targeted to
1. General public
2. Professional social groups
3. Technicians and scientists
4. All of these

Ques 28. World environment day is celebrated on
1. April 5th
2. June 5th
3. November 5th
4. December 5th

Ques 29. Expansion of the term WWF is
1. Worldwide forest
2. World wild life fund
3. Worldwide life force
4. Worldwide life forest

Ques 30. In which year the Hon'ble supreme court ofIndia made environmental education compulsory subject at all the levels of education
1. 2000
2. 2001
3. 2002
4. 2003

Answers are:
Ques 1: 4
Ques 2: 2
Ques 3: 1
Ques 4: 4
Ques 5: 4
Ques 6: 3
Ques 7: 1
Ques 8: 3
Ques 9: 3
Ques 10: 4
Ques 11: 4
Ques 12: 4
Ques 13: 3
Ques 14: 4
Ques 15: 3
Ques 16: 2
Ques 17: 3
Ques 18: 2
Ques 19: 4
Ques 20: 2
Ques 21: 2
Ques 22: 1
Ques 23: 4
Ques 24: 4
Ques 25: 1
Ques 26: 4
Ques 27: 4
Ques 28: 2
Ques 29: 2
Ques 30: 4

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